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Bi-Weekly post on DPA Life
Written on: Monday, July 25, 2011
Time: 2:28 PM

Hey guys :)

Like my friend who posted two weeks ago it is my first time posting here.

My name is Ryan Toh, Year 1, from the Diploma of Accounting And Finance.

As Tevin has said about the outline on what you will get to do during the PPP duration, I will share my experience when I took my CDS.

Transnational Studies (TNS) is a compulsory CDS. For this CDS, you are required to stay at Temasek Green which is a residence area located at the end of the engineering school. You get to stay there with your friends for two weeks. Five person will be allocated a apartment and it is then where you get to bond with your classmates and know them better. During that two weeks will be the most enjoyable thing you will experience during the PPP.

For my elective CDS I took Jap language. You get to learn basic things about japan like how many prefectures are there in Japan and what are the names of their prince and emperor. You will also learn how to speak basic japanese too. The fun part of this CDS would be the final presentation skit where you need to act and speak in japanese. The skit was the most memorable part for me as I a guy acted as a Geisha hahas.

I really enjoyed throughout the duration of the PPP as I made awesome friends then which until now I will meet with them at least once each week to eat dinner.

If you have any other queries you can leave us a message on the Zopim chat box below or you can contact us at
