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PPP Closing Ceremony and beyond..
Written on: Friday, April 9, 2010
Time: 3:53 AM

April 1st marked the end of the Polytechnic Preparatory Programme (PPP) for the 2010 batch of DPA students, as the 8-week programme drew to a close. Within the span of 8 weeks, 136 DPA students went through Cross-Disciplinary Subjects as well as School-related coursework, giving them the feel of a polytechnic education before starting the school term in Mid-April.

The Closing ceremony held on the 1st of April was one that was short and sweet, but one which brought back memories of the past 8 weeks. Throughout the short period of time, the friendships that formed and the experiences that were shared were priceless, and this simple ceremony summed up the emotions for everyone and gave everyone the time to remember the good times.

For a bit of fun, the lecturers that have guided the students through their studies during the PPP have identified a few within the many for their different outstanding characteristics. Awards like "Mr Master Chef" and "Little Miss Chatterbox" were among the many that were given out.

April 1st also saw a joyous occasion for one particular group as a fellow DPA mate celebrated her birthday on the previous day. Seen here are the group presenting the birthday card and presents.

The seniors also planned a special one day event that coincided with the closing ceremony, as a form of recreation for the juniors (especially after being through the academic demands of polytechnic life), as well as a time for everyone, senior and junior, to bond as a DPA community.

Games were planned, which saw teams split up to compete amongst each other, but more importantly to work closely as a team.

Though no official statistics were taken, it was definitely sure that bonding did happen, if you get what I mean... *winks*

The "Amazing Race"-style games led them all around the east side of the island, uncovering the region for those unfamiliar to the area and challenging residents of these areas on their knowledge of the places, to find the stations.

At the end of the day, students converged at the end point, which as a surprise turned out to be a chalet, with BBQ provided. This turned out to be a turning point as the events do continue on till night. Students really had the chance to unwind and relax after all the studying required during the PPP.

This event was really a new one, for both the planners as well as participants. For the participants, it marked the end of the PPP as well as a prelude to the new beginnings that polytechnic life would entail. As time passes by, one would definitely remember the times back in DPA where everyone shared the same project blues, and suffered the cruel examinations together. It is also a time where DPA students explore their new surroundings together and really start to discover their school.

Meanwhile, the Academic Experiences give students a headstart in knowing what is to be expected by lecturers once term starts. PPP is a time where one would really start to know more about one's new surroundings and oneself, in these new surroundings.

Though the DPA PPP for the 2010 batch is officially over, many out there are still reliving the times during PPP, and it is sure that many would continue to remember them for many years to come.

And with that, the Polytechnic Preparatory Programme (PPP) for the DPA batch of 2010 draws to a close, as everyone gets ready for term to start soon.