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Hello All! Welcome to Temasek Polytechnic-DPA. We are a bunch of lovable and cool TP students. Tag us before you leave!

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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Outing yo!
Written on: Saturday, April 26, 2008
Time: 4:09 PM

There's an outing coming just for TP DPA students!
It's this coming thurs (Labour day), 1 may 2008.
Please msg me to confirm whether you guys are coming or not!
DPA OGLs are invited too!
Can someone suggest sth to do on that day?
Vote pls. Tell me whether are you guys interested:

1. To have lunch/dinner at seoul garden! (cost abt 20 to 25 bucks per person)
2. Lunch/dinner at Pizzahut! (Student meal cost abt 6 to 10 bucks. Depending on what you order.)
3. Watching movie!

DPA Gathering for May babies

What do you all want to do on the gathering for May babies? Vote for the following.

To have lunch/dinner at seoul garden! (cost abt 20 to 25 bucks per person)
Lunch/dinner at Pizzahut! (Student meal cost abt 6 to 10 bucks. Depending on what you order.)
Watching movie! (Funny Games)
Others (Please suggest if any)

So yea. That's about it.
You guys can come out with more ideas and suggestions.
I dont mind paying for Seoul Garden.
Cos it's a place that ALL OF US can actu talk and hang out tgt.
Rather than gg sentosa or ECP in such a big group.
Cos we tend to hang out in our own clique.
Tell me if you guys have any suggestions okay?!

See you guys on thurs!
(Plus it's a bday celebration for May babies! Except for Hanyang, Amanda and I, who else is born in may?)

With lots of love,
Cher (: