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Hello All! Welcome to Temasek Polytechnic-DPA. We are a bunch of lovable and cool TP students. Tag us before you leave!

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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

A new beginning
Written on: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 9:57 AM

"near the end, we start thinking about the beginning."

On the contrary, I think we think about a previous end when we are reaching a new beginning. IT school is having their orientation today and business will be having theirs tomorrow. School is starting officially. And our direct poly admission exercise ended almost a month ago on the 20th of march.

But it is not the end.

It is something about the way we spent three months together in the same shoes that really binds us together. Not only that, how often do you meet people you can trust so easily after being put through countless tests ie. high elements? It was heartwarming watching us all in the first four days of the poly preparatory programme. I for one, trust people like Mark and leonard now. mark pulled me over the wall and Leonard belayed me, much to my shock. ha ha.

That was the fun. then we settled down to seriousness together. Soon we became so bonded and we met everyday. We may be a small group in comparison to one empire at the foc, but in terms of life and spirit, we come out tops. the DPA group is definitely larger than life. We are all bonded in different ways. public speaking, psychology class, japanese class, trebouchet groups, business, it, Applied Science engineering, design,HSS. We all have different courses and reasons in common with one another but there is one thing that binds us all as one. What is that?

We were each other's first friends in TP. And we are the DPA students.

I see why now Kyle didn't take us into one single group. We would have pwned everyone. nah just kidding. The thing is, we've known each other for months. And we have been through so much more. We wouldnt have needed to wait till the third day to get high and we wouldn't have had those first awkward moments. We'd be a small group all right. But things work better in small groups. Still, we had a reunion. And for many of us, we signed up with foc because many dpa students were going. Personally I didn't like the mingling thing but it was lovely the way dpa reunited for jam and hop. Personally I have never gotten so happy and high with anyone before. It made my night, really. We were all sweating like pigs but who cares? we were having too much fun to stop. Maybe we should have mixed. But we don't know when we will see each other again. We love each other. There is no staying away.

omg mushy. Am i really me.

Oh well DPA pwns! And as we near the beginning of a new school life with new people, we look forward to seeing people with things in common with us. but each and everyone of us will still have something in common with each other, and forever. We will never forget what we've all been through. And let us make it a deal to always say "hello! Distrubing personalities around!" and give each other a hug when we meet along hallways. he who does not will get struck by lightning when walking along that useless connection between business and design that has a one-of-a-kind shelter, the kind you can still get wet despite walking under it. i have not even officially started school and I am complaining about tp's facilities! reminds me of one of our psychology of creativity classes.

Till we meet again, at our never ending beginning!
DPA! eh eh eh eh ah.... DPA!

Meiyan LRM