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Hello All! Welcome to Temasek Polytechnic-DPA. We are a bunch of lovable and cool TP students. Tag us before you leave!

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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Last call on thurs outing.
Written on: Monday, April 28, 2008
Time: 9:52 PM

Everything's settled now.
We had decided to go Pasir Ris Park this thurs' morning!
I'm sorry if we cant get what everyone wants.
And me, myself and i wanted Seoul Garden so badly too.
But gg to a park is definately the easiest way to have fun in such a BIG group.
So yea, why not just sth simple and easy? (:
Details are here yo!
Btw, i just realised Funny Games is not funny at all. HAHAHA.
It's a horror movie
My 4 years sec sch bestfriends lied to me -.-

DPA Outing
Thurs, 10am @ Pasir Ris Park.
Things to bring: Frisbee, volleyball, bicycles etc. (Pls bring if you have one of these things!)
And sms CHERYL NEO to confirm that you are gg or not. (*impt ahhhh!)
Get my no. from those that have it of cos. (If you dont have it. How could you?! :( )

Love you guys!
See you on thurs then!
I'll pray hard that it wont rain (:

With Loves